Wishing us all a powerful potent presence of the 9 Devi incarnations in our midst during this Nav ratri It marks an important turning point for our time as the nine Devi energies take charge in preparing our world to charge forth into the Age of Brilliance anchoring it for good from 2026. Watch out for unusual yumminess as signs for there advent into your life. Let’s the adventure into aliveness begin. Game On. Happy Navratri. Use the colors to support your own experience of this Devi power. Mynoo Maryel

Happy Navratri. Day 1. Is the advent of Goddess Shailaputri. Her color is Orange. A color that heals all that comes in the way of you connecting to the truth of your true identity. This Goddess energy anchors stillness strength and courage Become the rock as you prepare to be the rockstar of the next phase of you expressing your aliveness. Mynoo Maryel

Happy Navratri. Day 2 is the advent of goddess Brahmacharini. Her color this year is White. This opens your crown chakra to allow the wisdom of the cosmos to flow through. This divine Goddess opens the doorway to your connection to your inner knowing diving into the depth of your inner wisdom replugging into you true nature that is constantly moving forward to infinity This Goddess powers you up with your infinite capacity to accomplish anything. You activate this power by moving forward. Onwards and forwards. Releasing any attachment to being right. Mynoo Maryel

Happy Navratri. Day 3 today is the advent of Goddess Chanraghanta. Her color is RED. This colors powers up your base chakra and heals all that gets you to procrastinate and you rise with vibrant vitalybto move forward. She powers your mind invoking your natural vigilance and amplifying you alertness and focus. You can use this to discerningly choosing only that which is yours to do. She gives you the ability to progress your projects whilst keeping your finger on the pulse. Mynoo Maryel

Happy Navratri. Day 4 Today is the day of Goddess Maa Kushmanda (Royal blue) Unblocks self expression, the key blocker of the throat chakra. She empowers you to amplify your creativity and experience the fulfillment it blesses you with as you emerge with vibrant vitality knowing you can creatively find the solution to any problem you may ever encounter. You feel unleashed and more creativity flows through. Mynoo Maryel

Happy Navratri. Day 5. Today is the advent of Goddess Skandamata. Her color today is Yellow. A powerful healer of anything that may cause you to feel fearful. It’s a color to power up your strength and courage. On this day with the support and guidance of this special Goddess energy you land on your feet knowing you are protected, born to be free and prosperous as you retain your flow in your endeavors you glow in the success that is is inevitable. Mynoo Maryel

Happy Navratri. Day 6. Today marks the advent of Goddess Kathayayini Her color is Green. It opens your heart, heals grief and regret and invites flow of love and abundance She empowers you to turn on your prowess of enabling exquisite enchanting relationships. You turn on your super power to recognize the magical magnificence of each person you relate to and in doing so you start to see feel and experience your own majesty. Life feels exquisite yummy and enriching Mynoo Maryel

Happy Navratri. Day 7 Today is the advent of Goddess Kaalratri Her color is Grey. A color that releases ambiguity and has you stationed in a state of peace knowing that perfection lies in embracing imperfection. She propels you to pay it forward by doing good. The more you pay it forward the more you magnetize auspicious blessings to amplify the work you are engaged it. A very sweet subtle and yet quite definite way to go forth and multiply your goodness and feel good as you open the gateways to manifestation from sources known and unknown Mynoo Maryel

Happy Navratri. Day 8. Today is the advent of Maha Gauri with the color Purple. This color clears all the pathways to connect to your inner wisdom. It provides deep healing of the pineal and gets you to see what is being shown to you. This Goddess energy guided you to invoke and activate your inner wisdom. The one you were born with and sharpen your intuitive instinct and use it to release obstacle, dissolve blocks and see all barriers move away. You enter your path and can move at god speed in a frictionless way. Mynoo Maryel

Happy Navratri. Day 9. Today is the advent of Goddess Maa Siddhidatri with her Peacock colour. This color prepares you to enter into the realm of enlightenment. green (heart opening) blue (throat opening) indigo plugs into the wisdom of your soul and all that comes in way and does not serve you is healed. This beautiful and divine Goddess energy brings fort the opening to step into the realm of enlightenment. Every breath you take you unconditionally accept all that is and enlightening frequency is amplified, you come closer and closer to being in perfect harmony with your soul. The day you can up-level your enlightenment frequency with conscious awareness as a direct function of your choice of actions in every circumstance. Mynoo Maryel