Expect And Accept Miracles
Miracles are available for each of us to claim, in every moment. These come naturally when you come back to the essence of the real you, which creates the path to self-liberation.
Formerly a high-flying exectuive and pragmatic serial entrepreneur in Europe, Asia, and Australia, beginning in 2010 Mynoo Maryel (aka Mynoo Blackbyrn) experienced a series of spiritual awakenings and connected with the true mission of her soul. She entered periods of silence, during which what she now calls “downloads” — profound wisdom about restoring miracles, childlike wonder and sublime well-being to our lives — were revealed to her.
She then undertook for herself what has now become The Journey Into Miracles, actively applied the received wisdom to her own life and transformed, almost beyond recognition. Her own inner guidance has become her guru and guide-star, and her Journeys, for herself and with others, have been expanding ever since.