Mynoo introduces the ascended masters who support the return to flow of health and wellbeing. She lays the groundwork for deep clearing, and purges discomfort, inducing cellular memories to return the body’s remembrance of its capacity to heal.
This session connects you to the original intent of the spleen and the solar plexus. It reactivates the originating state of these organs and puts in place energetic support to enable the body’s own mechanism to return to flow.
This session works on the abdominal cavity and its organs. Cellular memories are cleaned out and the organs returned to their originating intent, producing physical and emotional shifts that continue after the session.
Mynoo introduces the system of wellbeing received during her journey of silence. You will come to understand disease and learn about antidotes. The session will enhance the flow of Chi (life force) and return you to vibrant vitality.
In this clearing session Mynoo uncovers blocks and barriers in the heart and lungs, and releases and removes them. Cells are purged of the memories that weaken them, enabling grief, releasing regret, and reclaiming the power to live life with purpose.
This clearing session releases anger in the liver and gallbladder, and transmutes judgment that weaken the kidneys. It also energises the adrenal tissue, clears the transverse and descending colon, and purges the liver and gall bladder.
Mynoo initiates a fine cleaning and clearing, raising the vibrational state of the nervous system, skeletal system and skin. Anything that no longer serves this higher vibrational state is removed, leaving you relaxed and comforted.