Flow of Prosperity

Session #1

Introduction/The Flow of Money

Mynoo delves into the seven elements of prosperity with a focus on the flow of money. With the help of ascended masters and other celestial beings, release blockages that hinder the flow of money and remember how to work with this new energy.

Session #2

The Flow of Joy

Mynoo teaches how to release obstacles that block the flow of joy. Guided by the ascended masters, she explains that happiness is a decision and joy is an action. Reconnect to joy and bring it into your life.

Session #3

The Flow of Health

Mynoo works with the ascended masters to clear the obstacles that block the flow of health. Stagnant energy held in the organs is removed and the body starts to calibrate, returning to its natural state of wellness.

Session #4

The Flow of Cash

The ascended masters gather to clear the way to cash flow. Self-sabotaging patterns are broken and cellular memories of past experiences are released and reprogrammed.

Session #5

The Flow of Wealth

Wealth is the ability to enjoy the assets, money and other elements that constitute prosperity. Mynoo works with the ascended masters to reveal and release all obstacles, barriers and blocks to the perfect flow of wealth.

Session #6

The Flow of Abundance

Mynoo reveals the key barriers and obstacles that block an attitude of plenty. She reveals their triggers and clears the fear factors from your field, leaving you unstoppable and unleashed.

Session #7

The Flow of Relationships

The quality of relationships have a direct impact on the ability to be in flow. Mynoo reveals the triggers that activate and removes the blocks and obstacles that prevent a joyous flow of exquisite, enchanting relationships.

Session #8

The Flow of Connection to Spirit

Unlock a direct connection to the spirit of prosperity and to your own spirit guides. Never be alone and always feel supported by your spirit guides. Mynoo guides you to your own unique connection.

Session #9

Removing the Ceilings and Boundaries

Mynoo takes you through the experience of clearing the triggers that can justify ceilings and boundaries. She helps you to break through those ceilings, opening the boundaries to feel unleashed and in flow, allowing in limitless prosperity.

Session #10

Activation and Initiation

The final session activates the vibrations of celebration. The ascended masters share their blessings to enable a sustainable flow of prosperity, protect you from lower vibrations and ensure the continued effect of the clearings.